THE brothers behind one of Northern Ireland's best-knowncompanies have told how the bitter winter destroyed their business.
Malcolm Ferguson of Ferguson Flowers International said that theharsh weather over Christmas was "the final nail in the coffin" forthe family firm as he was declared bankrupt.
Established in 1975, Ferguson Flowers International becameIreland's largest retail florist chain, which once boasted 15 storesincluding four main outlets in Belfast and other branches in Lisburnand Newtownabbey.
The firm is headquartered at Wellington Place in the city,serving customers both locally, nationally and internationally andtaking daily importation from around the world.
Mr Ferguson and his brother David have already closed two Belfastshops and is in negotiations to save a third.
He said that the company is restructuring in a bid to save thejobs of between 12-15 people.
"Like a lot of businesses, the internet, big shops andsupermarkets hit us hard, we've gone the same way as a lot of otherpeople," he said. "Christmas was the final nail in the coffin, theworst Christmas I've ever seen in 40 years of business. No one camethrough the doors.
"We took in a huge delivery, lorries full of flowers for theperiod, and then the ice and the snow came overnight, followed bythe thaw. The flowers just turned to mush, no-one was expectingtemperatures of -15 and -16.
"That, combined with the rents and the rates bills going throughthe roof, was the final nail in the coffin.
"We decided to take drastic action and are restructuring andletting some parts of the business go and we will focus more on theinternet end and try to keep as many jobs as possible. It is sadwhen we once used to have 15 shops, but that's the way things are,the high street is finished.
"But we're still trading and we intend to fight back and movewith the times. No-one is going to come in to a shop and ask us tosend flowers to their granny in Edinburgh when they can go on theinternet, find a place round the corner from her, pay with theircredit card and they're on her doorstep in minutes.
"That's where we need to be going."
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